Tuesday 14 December 2010

And it was all going so well...

Suddenly, whenever I add a snippet, I lose the place in the tree.

I think the problem lies in the way I catch events from the tree node. Using afterselect means I can get keyboard driven changes, but it also means that when I rebuild the tree from scratch, I cause scene to be selected on its own, which resets the indices.

I think I'm going to have maintain the tree as I go.

There was something about using a data provider to supply the tree and having it update automatically, which could save some time - always assuming that I don't spend more time enabling the data provider. This is supposed to be a cheap-and-cheerful dev tool, not precision engineering...


I did  bit of fiddling, and it seems be fairly straight forward. I already know the index where I want to insert the node.

The only trouble is that "inserting" here means overwriting any node already at that index, rather than adding a new node, so I need to shuffle everythign down by hand... Let's see how that goes...

For anything other then adding on the end, the loop isn't terminating. Let's not make assumptions - something is looping. It might be an event loop, or a bug somewhere else.

Enough for one night. I'll dig it out tomorrow.

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