Let's start some tests to make sure that I'm reading and writing this XML correctly. I've moved most of the code into a DLL, leaving the main window as a stub for the exe. This is the Makefile:
Narrative.boo Scene.boo TreePanel.boo \
ScenePanel.boo NarrativePanel.boo
SceneEdit.exe: scene_edit.dll main.boo
booc main.boo -r:scene_edit.dll -o:SceneEdit.exe
scene_edit.dll: ${BOOFILES}
booc ${BOOFILES} -t:library -o:scene_edit.dll
And then I've created a test dll using NUnit that links in scene_edit.dll
tests.dll: tests.boo
${BOOC} tests.boo -t:library -o:tests.dll -r:nunit.framework.dll -r:scene_edit.dll
test: tests.dll
nunit-console tests.dll
Now I can write my tests in tests.boo in much the same formal as the Lua ones earlier.
import System.IO
import NUnit.Framework
class SceneXml:
def simple_save():
sc = Scene()
sc.name = "intro"
sc.default = "waking_up"
sc.desc = "here we go"
# this is what we expect the output to look like
target = """<scene name="intro" default="waking_up" desc="here we go" />"""
# I'll over load the load and save funcs to take a stream
# It's easier to test using stringwriters and readers.
# I can overload the filename version to create a reader and
# call this version, so the tests will largely still apply
using sw = StringWriter():
# stringifying the writer gets the underlying string
result = "${sw}"
Assert.AreEqual(target, result)
Here are the new save funcs from Scene. As you can see, I've not tried particularly hard to generate conformant XML
def save(filename as string):
using sw = StreamWriter(filename):
def save(w as TextWriter):
So it's no great surprise when the test fails:
Test Case Failures:
1) SceneXml.simple_save : Expected string length 60 but was 4. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "<scene name="intro" default="waking_up" desc="here we go" />"
But was: "hiya"
But hey! At least we know the test works, even if the code tested doesn't yet pass :)
To pass the test we need this:
def save(tw as TextWriter):
xs = XmlWriterSettings()
xs.Indent = true
xs.OmitXmlDeclaration = true
using w = XmlWriter.Create(tw, xs):
w.WriteAttributeString("name", _name)
w.WriteAttributeString("default", _default)
w.WriteAttributeString("desc", _desc)
The XmlWriterSettings object turns off the <?xml header which I doubt we'll be needing, and enables indenting, which I'm hoping will save me faffing around with whitespace
Now let's see if it can cope with a narrative or two...
Just a test.
Seems to have worked :)
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