Sunday 19 December 2010

OK, back to work

So: scene editing app for Clonemaster: I've got choices and options on the go. Two problems with options:

First of all, the options should be in a level under the Choice tag. Not critical, I suppose. Second is that option name doesn't update when the focus leaves the "text" field. It does when the panel loses focus, but that's a little late.

Also, the Choice panel is kind of bland at the moment.

I'm tempted to add in a "prompt" field. So the Choice would have "What do you want to do now?" That would give me something to add to the panel (so you could tell it wasn't a bug) and something for the treeview label as well. The prompt would wind up as a snippet in the Lua engine, although I'd need to store the text as an XML attribute.


Hmm... OK. It's not a problem with options. They're working perfectly. It's a problem for all the narrative items. Snippets  are broken the same way.

So something about the way I'm updating the treeview, presumably ... and calling TreeView.Refresh() forces the update.  Let's add a prompt to Choice now...

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